Daily Schedule:

Play with our friends

Circle Time

Job Chart

Recite Nursery Rhymes



Story Time

Centers- rotate to all 3 (worksheet, craft, and play with different toys)

Group Games

Music Time

We also go on field trips and celebrate the holidays! We like to sing for our parents at the end of our parties.

Students will take turns with the Show and Tell Bag, Adventure Animal, News and Weather, and the Snack Basket.

We will be learning:




Nursery Rhymes


How to write our name

Monthly task cards

The Alphabet (recognize, write, and learn the sounds of each letter)

Mon/Wed/Fri-class will begin reading in January

Being good at school pays:

Earn Happy Apples = pick a toy from the Treasure Chest

Behavior Apple Cards are placed in the folders

Green Apple = Good Behavior

Yellow Apple = Warning

Red Apple = Not so good